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Jede Woche ein neuer Tipp von mir mit...

5 Min. Lesezeit
Der beste Tipp, den ich jemals bekam
Suchst du auch manchmal nach einem Tipp oder Trick, der alle deine Lernprobleme löst? Oft fragen mich Studenten, was ich ihnen denn am...

2 Min. Lesezeit
Der größte Fehler, den du machen kannst
In unserer Lern-Community besprechen wir jede Woche typische Fehler beim Deutschlernen, sowie die effektivste Art und Weise, um daraus zu le

3 Min. Lesezeit
When Exhaustion Sets In… - And You Can’t Find Time for Yourself, Let Alone for German
A tool that will help you to refocus, get clarity and gain more time for the things that really matter to you. Results promised :-) Life...

3 Min. Lesezeit
Speak with Confidence: How to Stop Feeling Embarrassed about Your German
Feeling embarrassed of your German? I know that stupid feeling of deciding to say nothing rather than being embarrassed. And although you...

3 Min. Lesezeit
How to Make Friends with Germans
Am I ever gonna make friends with Germans? Today a student of mine asked me: "Am I ever gonna make friends with Germans?" He's already...

3 Min. Lesezeit
Moving to Germany? How to Take the Right Decision?
Do you plan to move to Germany? Are you facing the question: Should I move to Germany (or to any other country)? If you are reading this,...
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