Meet Your New German Family

Do you wonder how everyday life looks in a real German family?
What do they do on weekends?
How do they spend the holidays?
What kind of activities do they do in their free time?
Immerse Yourself into the Real Language
When learning a foreign language, the best way to apply it is to immerse into the culture, to experience how they live, what they do and to become part of their life.
This is exactly what I did when I was 18. I went to Germany and I lived with a guest family for 6 months. This was the most valuable experience that helped me not only to fall in love with Germany and make it my new home, but I also improved my language skills enormously. And I don't mean grammar. I actually learned to understand conversational German - the authentic language that everyone speaks. Not the one from the textbooks.
I also learned so much about the culture, their way of thinking and living, their habits and everyday life that I wanted to be one of them.
Living with a real German family is a crucial experience if you really want to understand the Germans. I can strongly recommend it.
Be part of the German family
How do you live with a German family when you have already your own busy life? Or even when you live abroad?
Peter, Birte, Maynard and Knutzi invite you to be part of their family.
Twice a week you get to sneak into their lives.
You can watch them cooking, playing, handcrafting, shopping, celebrating or working on a new project.
Every week something new.
An idea to try on your own.
A topic to discuss in the online community.
But more than anything else: the full flexibility to experience the real German family life in authentic conversations and situations.
Your German Level Doesn't Matter
No matter if beginner or a German professional, there is something for everyone. Even I as a German teacher love to watch them and lead some of the discussions in the forum or during conversation hours (twice a month).
Peter is a German teacher, so he will make sure you understand what they're saying. Subtitles, vocabulary lists and professional advice will help you learn authentic German expressions.

Other family members from the whole world connect in the forum and practice their German in the comments or during conversation hours. It is a great place to immerse into authentic German life and learn without any pressure.
By now, there are more than 120 videos in the archive. For a small monthly contirbution, you get full access to all previous videos and 2 new ones EVERY week straight into your mailbox.
It's fun and it's worth the experience.
How to Make the Most Out of It
@Beginners (A1-A2): Watch the episodes and learn about their life style. Look at their mimics, facial expresions. Listen to the speech patterns: rhythm, speech melody. Pick 5 new words from the vocabulary list that you want to learn and are relevant for you. It's a great way to start and over time as your vocabulary grow you can go back to some of the episodes and watch them again with the new knowledge. Chances are: You will learn a lot already by just watching. Participate actively in the community: Present yourself shortly. You probably can write a couple of sentences about yourself and meet other learners ("Familienmitglieder"). Register here.
@Intermediates (B1-B2): You will be able to understand some of what they say and for the rest subtitles and vocab lists will help you get the details. However, what's important is the big picture. Look for cultural differences and similarities, leave a comment in the forum. Ask questions about what you didn't understand. Participate in the life conversations by listening or speaking. There is no judging, just practice and lots of learning opportunities. Join here.
@Advanced Learners (C1-C2): There will be still new vocabulary and expressions you've never heard before. Why? Because that's the real stuff you don't get taught in traditional language classes and textbooks. You can learn the most if you contribute in the community, discuss with others and express your own experiences and impressions. The more you give from yourself, the more you get. It's fun and it's real. Become part of the family.
Even professional teachers are part of the family, watch regularly, participate in the discussions and show the videos in their classrooms.
It's an amazing experience to be part of a global German family directly from your couch.
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Now I want to hear from You
Have you been in touch with other guest families?
What was your experience of full immersion?
Did you understand everything people were saying?
Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with others.